Results for 'Thierry Van Bastelaer'

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  1. Understanding and measuring Social Capital.Christian Grootaert & Thierry Van Bastelaer - 2002 - Analysis:1-320.
    Building social capital is a core element in the empowerment pilar of the poverty reduction strategy. The social capital assesment tool presented in this book is one of the important products of this iniciative.
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    Votre cerveau n'a pas fini de vous étonner: entretiens avec Patrice Van Eersel.Patrice van Eersel, Boris Cyrulnik, Pierre Bustany, Jean-Michel Oughourlian, Christophe André & Thierry Janssen (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Albin Michel.
    On savait que c’était l’entité la plus complexe de l’univers connu. Mais le feu d’artifice de découvertes récentes dépasse l’entendement et fait exploser tous les schémas. Votre cerveau est (beaucoup) plus fabuleux que vous le croyez. Il est : totalement élastique, même âgé, handicapé, voire amputé de plusieurs lobes, le système nerveux central peut se reconstituer et repartir à l’assaut des connaissances et de l’action sur le monde ; totalement social, un cerveau n’existe jamais seul, mais toujours en résonance avec (...)
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    es décisions les plus importantes pour la Wallonie en 2001.Jean-Claude Van Cauwenberghe, Serge Kubla, José Daras, Michel Daerden, Michel Foret, José Happart, Charles Michel, Thierry Detienne & Marie Aréna - 2002 - Res Publica 44 (2-3):307-324.
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    Medical evidence and health policy: a marriage of convenience? The case of proton pump inhibitors.Mieke L. Van Driel, Robert Vander Stichele, Jan De Maeseneer, An De Sutter & Thierry Christiaens - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):674-680.
    Rationale In Belgium, several policies regulating reimbursement of acid suppressant drugs and evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice were issued in a short period of time, creating a unique opportunity to observe their effect on prescribing. Aims and objectives To describe the evolution of prescriptions for acid suppressants and explore the interaction of policies and practice recommendations with prescribing patterns. Method Monthly claims-based data for proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H-2-antihistamines by general practitioners, internists and "astroenterologists were obtained from the Belgian (...)
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    Quality of care: the need for medical, contextual and policy evidence in primary care.Mieke L. van Driel, An I. De Sutter, Thierry C. M. Christiaens & Jan M. De Maeseneer - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (5):417-429.
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    Des «images dans la tête» à la «parole sauvage»: comment modéliser le rapport entre discours et cognition dans l'expression des stéréotypes sociaux?Olivier Klein, Cynthie Marchal, Nicolas Van Der Linden, Sabrina Pierucci, Laurent Waroquier, Lucy Baugnet & Thierry Guilbert - 2011 - In Lucy Baugnet & Thierry Guilbert (eds.), Discours en contextes. [Paris]: Presses universitaires de France.
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  7. Experience-dependent changes in cerebral activation during human Rem sleep.Pierre Maquet, Steven Laureys, Philippe Peigneux, Sonia Fuchs, Christophe Petiau, Christophe Phillips, Joel Aerts, Guy Del Fiore, Christian Degueldre, Thierry Meulemans, Andre Luxen, Georges Franck, Martial Van Der Linden, Carlyle Smith & Axel Cleeremans - 2000 - Nature Neuroscience 3 (8):831-36.
    Pierre Maquet1,2,6, Steven Laureys1,2, Philippe Peigneux1,2,3, Sonia Fuchs1, Christophe Petiau1, Christophe Phillips1,6, Joel Aerts1, Guy Del Fiore1, Christian Degueldre1, Thierry Meulemans3, André Luxen1, Georges Franck1,2, Martial Van Der Linden3, Carlyle Smith4 and Axel Cleeremans5.
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    When Managers Become Robin Hoods: A Mixed Method Investigation.Russell Cropanzano, Daniel P. Skarlicki, Thierry Nadisic, Marion Fortin, Phoenix Van Wagoner & Ksenia Keplinger - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (2):209-242.
    When subordinates have suffered an unfairness, managers sometimes try to compensate them by allocating something extra that belongs to the organization. These reactions, which we label asmanagerial Robin Hood behaviors, are undertaken without the consent of senior leadership. In four studies, we present and test a theory of managerial Robin Hoodism. In study 1, we found that managers themselves reported engaging in Robin Hoodism for various reasons, including a moral concern with restoring justice. Study 2 results suggested that managerial Robin (...)
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.H. W. Pleket, G. -J.-M.-J. Te Riele, W. Den Boer, E. J. Jonkers, G. Van Hoorn, J. H. M. M. Loenen, C. J. Ruijgh, J. C. Kamerbeek, M. J. Sicking, G. J. De Vries, L. G. Westerink, G. J. D. Aalders, H. Wagenvoort, J. W. Fuchs, A. D. Leeman, P. J. Enk, D. Kuijper, J. J. Thierry, J. H. Waszink & B. A. Van Groningen - 1960 - Mnemosyne 13 (4):331-383.
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    In memoriam Georges Van Riet.Thierry Lucas - 1998 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 96 (4):761-764.
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    William of Saint-Thierry and the Author of the Summa Sententiarum.Damian Van den Eynde - 1950 - Franciscan Studies 10 (3):241-256.
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    Conservatieve vooruitgang.Thierry Baudet & Michiel Visser (eds.) - 2010 - Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker.
    Portretten van twintig belangrijke conservatieve denkers uit de twintigste eeuw.
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    Revolutionair verval en de conservatieve vooruitgang in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw.Thierry Baudet & Michiel Visser (eds.) - 2012 - Amsterdam: Bakker.
    Portretten van 21 belangrijke conservatieve denkers uit de achttiende en negentiende eeuw.
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  14. François Lepage, Elias Thijsse, Heinrich Wansing/In-troduction 1 J. Michael Dunn/Partiality and its Dual 5 Jan van Eijck/Making Things Happen 41 William M. Farmer, Joshua D. Guttman/A Set Theory. [REVIEW]René Lavendhomme, Thierry Lucas & Sequent Calculi - 2000 - Studia Logica 66:447-448.
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    Can the Fair Trade Movement Enrich Traditional Business Ethics? An Historical Study of Its Founders in Mexico.Luc K. Audebrand & Thierry C. Pauchant - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (3):343-353.
    As the need for more diversity in business ethics is becoming more pressing in our global world, we provide an historical study of a Fair Trade (FT) movement, born in rural Mexico. We first focus on the basic assumptions of its founders, which include a worker–priest, Frans van der Hoff, a group of native Indians and local farmers who formed a cooperative, and an NGO, Max Havelaar. We then review both the originalities and challenges of the FT movement and its (...)
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  16. Classical questions, radical answers.Tim van Gelder - 1991 - In Terence E. Horgan & John L. Tienson (eds.), Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    In Defense of Openness: Why Global Freedom is the Humane Solution to Global Poverty.Bas van der Vossen & Jason Brennan - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
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    Thing-Transcendentality: Navigating the Interval of “technology” and “Technology”.Yoni Van Den Eede - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):225-243.
    The empirical-transcendental debate in philosophy of technology, as debates go, took a turn toward the counterposing of the two perspectives, ‘empirical’-pragmatic-pragmatist versus ‘transcendental’-critical. Postphenomenology aligns itself with the former standpoint, and it is in this spirit that commentators have criticized it for its too-instrumentalist stance and lack of overarching, i.e., transcendental orientation. But the positions may have become too starkly delineated in order for the debate to reach any breakthrough: a seemingly unbridgeable gap yawns between the stances of ‘technology with (...)
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  19. The problem with(out) consensus : the scientific consensus, deliberative democracy and agonistic pluralism.Jeroen Van Bouwel - 2009 - In The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    De dood van God: een boodschap aan ongelovigen.Paul Van Tongeren - 2007 - Filosofie En Praktijk 28 (1):25-33.
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  21. De transcendentale grondlegging van de ethiek bij Karl-Otto Apel Le fondement transcendantal de l'éthique par Karl-Otto Apel.R. van Woudenberg - 1990 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 82 (1):26-44.
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  22. MCT 17 RP VAN DE RIET, Formula manipulation in ALGOL 60, part 1, 1968.Pj van der Houwen, Gam Kamsteeg-Kemper & Fej Kruseman - 1981 - In Jeroen A. G. Groenendijk (ed.), Formal methods in the study of language. U of Amsterdam.
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  23. Nietzsche als arts van de cultuur. Diagnoses en prognoses.Paul van Tongeren - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (2):363-364.
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  24. Naar een functionele notie van het morele oordeel.Simone van der Burg - 2003 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 95 (2):100-110.
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    Over de daden van het brein: (essays over het wetenschappelijke gedrag van de menselijke soort).Jan van Riemsdijk - 2009 - Delft: Eburon.
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  26. L'image, entre nuisance, inanité et nécessité: XIIe Colloque de Bruxelles (La Hulpe, 20-24 mai 2019).Edith Allaert-Bertin & Thierry Michel (eds.) - 2023 - [Maransart]: L'Arbre soleil.
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    Conjunctive and disjunctive combination of belief functions induced by nondistinct bodies of evidence.Thierry Denœux - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (2-3):234-264.
  28. Nishitani: nihilisme bezien vanuit het standpunt van zen.André van der Braak - 2011 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 51 (3):22.
    Het nihilisme speelt niet alleen een rol binnen de westerse filosofie. Ook binnen de boeddhistische filosofische traditie is aandacht besteed aan deze problematiek. Het oude boeddhisme kent een heilsleer die uitmondt in nirwana, dat letterlijk ‘uitdoving’ betekent: het uitdoven van begeerte, haat en onwetendheid. In het latere mahayana-boeddhisme speelt het niets een nog grotere rol: de filosoof Nâgârjuna stelt keer op keer dat alles ‘leeg’ is : de dingen hebben geen substantie, geen eigen wezen, en bestaan niet op zichzelf. De (...)
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  29. The World of Empiricism.Bas C. van Fraassen - unknown
    Bas C. van Fraassen                          Princeton University       My topics today are the relation between science and myth, and the possibility of empiricism as an approach to life as well as to science. But philosophy is a thoroughly historical enterprise, a dialogue that continues in the present but is always almost entirely (...)
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  30. (2 other versions)Who's in charge here? And who's doing all the work?Robert van Gulick - 1993 - In Charge Here? And Who's Doing All the Work? In Mental Causation. New York: Clarendon Press.
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    “Who Protects and Serves Me?”: A Case Study of Sexual Harassment of African American Women in One U.S. Law Enforcement Agency.Mary Thierry Texeira - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (4):524-545.
    Researchers have given some attention to women law enforcement officers' experiences and perceptions of sexual harassment. Yet, few studies have determined how the interaction of gender and race affect African American women's perception of this workplace impediment. This article explores one group of women's experiences in a U.S. sheriff's department. Interview data gathered from 65 African American women who are active and former law enforcement officers provide a comprehensive examination of how African American women in nontraditional criminal justice occupations experience (...)
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    Taal en wereld van meervoudig ruimtegebruik.K. Van Assche - 2003 - Topos: Periodiek Lab. Ruimtelijke Planvorming 13.
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    Quantum, de oerknal en God: filosofische perspectieven van de quantummechanica.Maarten van Buuren - 2021 - Rotterdam: Lemniscaat.
    Toen de jonge Duitse natuurkundige Werner Heisenberg in 1925 ontdekte dat het gedrag van deeltjes op atomair niveau onbepaalbaar is, ontketende hij een wetenschappelijke revolutie die het moderne wereldbeeld op zijn kop zette. Tot het moment van Heisenbergs ontdekking dachten wetenschappers dat alles meetbaar was en leek het een kwestie van tijd voordat de mens de natuur geheel en al zou hebben doorgrond. Met de quantumfysica, waarvoor Heisenberg de grondslag legde, kwam aan dit optimisme een abrupt einde. Er bleek een (...)
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    Van Antigone tot Dolly: veertig jaar kritisch denken.Etienne Vermeersch, Johan Braeckman & Hugo van den Enden - 1997 - Antwerpen: Hadewijch. Edited by Johan Braeckman & Hugo van den Enden.
    Keuze van artikelen uit het werk van de Vlaamse filosoof over wetenschap, milieu, en medische en biologische ethiek.
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  35. Propositional Dynamic Logic as a Logic of Belief Revision Vol. 5110 Lnai.Jan van Eijck & Yanjing Wang - 2008
    This paper shows how propositional dynamic logic can be interpreted as a logic for multi-agent belief revision. For that we revise and extend the logic of communication and change of [9]. Like LCC, our logic uses PDL as a base epistemic language. Unlike LCC, we start out from agent plausibilities, add their converses, and build knowledge and belief operators from these with the PDL constructs. We extend the update mechanism of LCC to an update mechanism that handles belief change as (...)
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    Identify the Values of Ancestor Worship Belief in the Spiritual Life of Vietnamese People.Vu Hong Van & Nguyen Trong Long - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):160.
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    ‘Deep brain stimulation is no ON/OFF-switch’: an ethnography of clinical expertise in psychiatric practice.Maarten van Westen, Erik Rietveld, Annemarie van Hout & Damiaan Denys - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):129-148.
    Despite technological innovations, clinical expertise remains the cornerstone of psychiatry. A clinical expert does not only have general textbook knowledge, but is sensitive to what is demanded for the individual patient in a particular situation. A method that can do justice to the subjective and situation-specific nature of clinical expertise is ethnography. Effective deep brain stimulation (DBS) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves an interpretive, evaluative process of optimizing stimulation parameters, which makes it an interesting case to study clinical expertise. The (...)
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    The Open Self.Van Meter Ames - 1951 - Philosophy East and West 1 (2):80-81.
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  39. Alfonsus a ligorio spiritualiteit van~ 1949, 103-104~ en het princiep., Non tali incommode" 1953, 397 Alonso cmf.Aardse Waarden, Albertus Magnus, Alexander van Hales & Apologetische Zekerheid - 1959 - Augustinus 4:42-45.
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    McCarthy variations in a modal key.Johan van Benthem - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (1):428-439.
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    Optimality-theoretic and game-theoretic approaches to implicature.Robert van Rooij - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Wenzi: Creativity and Intertextuality in Early Chinese Philosophy.Paul van Els - 2017 - Leiden: Brill.
    This monograph, the first of its kind in English, offers a detailed study of the Wenzi, a controversial Chinese philosophical text. The book also sheds light on text production and reception in Chinese history, with its changing views on authorship, originality, authenticity, and forgery.
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  43. Medieval philosophy: critical concepts in philosophy.Christina van Dyke & Andrew W. Arlig (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Volume 1: Mind, Logic and Language -- volume 2: Metaphysics and Epistemology -- volume 3: Natural Science and Philosophical Theology -- volume 4: Ethics and Moral Psychology and Social and Political Philosophy.
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  44. Cor Dippel, denker op de grens van twee werelden.P. Van Dijk - 1997 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 89 (1):6-25.
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  45. Closing up : the phenomenology of catatonia.Zeno Van Duppen & Pascal Sienaert - 2020 - In Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  46. Historisch-idealistische politiek.. van der Leeuw & J. J. - 1920 - [Amsterdam]: Maatschappij voor goede en goedkoope lectuur.
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  47. Kabinet: Inertie & Kunst (even pages Russian translation).Rob van Gerwen (ed.) - 2008 - St. Petersburgh:
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    Over'psychotherapie: een vak apart'van A. Dantzig.Hubert Van Hoorde - forthcoming - de Uil Van Minerva.
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    (1 other version)Commentary.Van E. Langley - 1984 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 3 (2):19-21.
  50. Natural deduction for generalized quantifiers.van M. Lambalgen - 1996 - In J. van der Does & Van J. Eijck (eds.), Quantifiers, Logic, and Language. Stanford University. pp. 54--225.
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